how much treats?

The only way I keep track is by their feed consumption. If consumption of their layer pellets goes way down for some unknown reason, I cut back on the treats. I allow for the fact that they are finding more to eat free ranging now that's spring is here and expect more feed consumption in the wintertime.
Wow! 100 chickens! I can barely imagine.

Our 10 will get yogurt or cottage cheese maybe 2-3 times a week just as a treat. If we had any more than that, they probably wouldn't get any. Couldn't afford it.

Good to know we can feed them popcorn. We have leftovers sometimes.

We have a LOT of clover in our yard and I give them a big handful usually twice a day. They love it! But is it possible to give them too much?
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We find it is just as easy to take care of 100 as it is 10, just more feed is all. Feeding free choice, they go through about 200 pounds of feed a week. We average 3 dozen eggs a day and pushing closer to 4 dozen and selling them at $1.50 doz and just barely breaking even.
Ours are all real pigs and will eat just about anything you put out for them. Makes it easy when it is time to clean out the fridge.
This morning was 4 garbage cans full of weeds for them to play around in. Gives me a good reason to go weed the flower beds and garden.

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