How much winterizing necessary-Charlotte, NC

Just apply the information from the posts others provided and you will be fine. I'm about 2 1/2hrs from you, just west of Raleigh. My chooks survived the freak -9 of 1984, the 8" ice storm of 1988, the 8" ice storm of 1996, and the 24" freak snowstorm that we got in January of 2000. I've never lost a chook or any of their chicks due to cold winter weather. They are tougher than we give them credit for. I keep mine fed good, and a place to get out of the wind and inclement weather.

Your BO's are very well suited to cold weather. It doesn't usually get cold enough in Charlotte to be much of an issue. Make sure that they are free from drafts and make sure that they have lots of ventilation and sunshine. They will be fine. Just think of the small chickadees and sparrows that survive the winters with only a nest in a tree. Chickens are more hardy than we give them credit for. Lots of ventilation, an area free from drafts, clean food and water - no worries

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