How often do you clean out the coop?

We have several coop's/runs/brooders/pens and so on. cleaning each as needed, it should be an ongoing thing . sometimes it may get away from you but if well planned it is not a problem, I clean ours out about 4 times a year ( total cleanout ) and alot of touch up.

Valmom, do you have a run? Do your six hens free range, or do they spend all their time in just the large coop. I reqlly don't understand why you're working so hard and so much. Geesh, your chickens have twenty square each. I suggest your at least giving the deep litter method a chance (no hay though). With that much room per chicken and diatomaceous earth, you might not EVER have to clean it.

I do have a yard around the hen house about 30x30 that is predator proof. And we add diatomaceous earth to the shavings (even though I worry about composting it and hurting any worms that are working for me). But, I don't mind picking every morning when I go out to feed and open the coop for them- it is visiting time. Maybe I'm just used to picking the horse stalls every day and it carries over.
I've been attempting the deep litter method but it just gets too gross under the roost so I'm starting to just scoop out the poop under the roost monthly and full cleaning 2x per year. I've also just started to use DE sprinkled with the pine shavings. I'm hoping that'll help.
We've got 7 hens and a rooster in a 10 x 8 metal shed with about the same size of run and I keep a landing board under the roost which gets scraped off everyday. They have a dirt floor covered with hay and pine shavings. When we have them I rake in dry leaves and shredded paper. In the run I put out those pellets that turn to saw dust when damp and some hay, leaves etc. I rake it out about once a week. They do get let out to range most of the day except when it is storming.

I really like the idea of the cat litter scoop and I keep meaning to get the DE. Must remember this week when I go to feed store. Why do some people say no hay or straw?

Oh and I have six 5 week old chicks in a hutch which I change their litter daily and ditto on the nine 1 week chicks on the other side of the hutch. I've been letting the 5 week old ones out on their own during the warm time of day. We have one hen that is quite old that likes to stay with them, she won't go out and forage with the others.
Valmon wrote:
And we add diatomaceous earth to the shavings (even though I worry about composting it and hurting any worms that are working for me).

I use DE and heard that it doesn't hurt earthworms in any way - only insects with an exoskeleton need fear DE. As far as cleaning the coop, I have used the deep litter method for the last year. I clean my poop board as aften as possible - I try every week - but sometimes skip. Clean from top to bottom once a year. Compost the old shavings and even use some of the old stuff in the run if it's really wet and stinky in the run. DE and new shavings go in the coop and I add when necessary. My chickens are happy and clean!!​
I'm a little OCD, especially when it comes to cleaning. But even *I* don't clean out my coop every day, every week, or even every month.... My coop gets cleaned when the weather warms in Spring (early May) and again before we hunker down for winter (late October). There is absolutely NO smell or flies or these chickens would be outta-here. I do deep litter with a little DE sprinkled over the top once or twice a month for good measure. I toss the shavings once a week or so and they are dry all the way down to the floor. Empty shavings, wash down the (painted!) walls and windows, fresh shavings. Done. And that's with sparkling results. Really, it doesn't have to be such a chore. I have enough to do to clean up after my DH and three kids...
Ive been reading up a lot on how the bottom of the coop can be done, and with the coop we have, the deep litter method would be best. I'm just a little confused about DE though. It's supposed to cut down on smell and mites and all that, but isnt it really bad to breath? So, if you're using DE won't you come into contact with it? And one more Q? I live in the middle of nowhere, so finding DE might be hard, what is another alternative to use anyway? Thanks!
I have my ten 13 wk olds in an unused 12 x 12' horse stall that I took down to the mats (clay ground and pea gravel under the mats). I then layered saw dust, wood pellets, stall dry, then aspin shavings on top of that. They've been in the coop 7 wks now.

Last weekend, I sprinked a thin layer of stall dry and added another bag of aspin shavings. I scrape their wide roost and droppings off every morning with a kitty litter scoop into a bucket. Much easier to do when it's soft.

I'm a first time chick owner, and don't see having to completely clean out the coop but once or twice a year.
I'm a picker too, or rather, a scooper.

There is nothing on the floor of my coop but polyurethaned wood, and every morning I go out and scoop the poop with a kitty-litter scooper and a dustpan. I spray the roost and the floor of the coop with detergent and water and wipe it with a paper towel. Then I go into the 5x7 sand run and scoop any poops in there, then into the 15x15 pie-shaped chicken yard which is packed dirt and scoop there.

After dumping my treasure into the compost pile, I change their water and then scoop the dog poop.

Takes about five minutes.

I sit out there with them on my lap, so I like it to be clean and fly-free.

Here's the secret: only three chickens and one dog. No kids.

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