how often should i change my whole coop litter?


Kiss My Grits...
Premium Feather Member
11 Years
May 19, 2008
Western MA coop is 8x8...the run is 8x16(that they have access to during the some yard time)I use pine shavings in the coop....i have been emptying out about half at a time when cleaning..about every few weeks..the litter is pretty thick...maybe 6in high...i dont want to change the litter to little and they get sick or something...but..i hear alot of people mentioing the deep litter method..(only my floor is vinyl..not dirt, so i'm not sure that the DLM will work for me?)..any ideas that you guys do is much appreciated..thanks..Wendy
I change mine once a week, however my coop is smaller, and I dont use as much. I only use an inch or two.

I find less litter is better than more. It is my opinion that the more litter you have in the coop, the more opportunity for moisture to become trapped and create a breeding ground for all kinds of insects...
hi..thanks for the replys...
...can i use the DLM with a vinyl floor though?...Wendy
hmmm. Not sure about that. i would think you can. I have a wooden floor that is painted thick with exterior floor paint. As long as the litter doesnt get wet I think it would be fine. I already have about 6 inches, I will change it before fall comes though.
thank you for the help...i just looked at your web site..
.those call ducks are so cute!..Wendy
I keep my litter about 4" deep, but I police it up every day with a cat litter scoop (just a few backyard hens, small coop). Although I go through a reasonable amount of pine shavings by replacing what I scoop every so often, every 3-4 months I scrape things down to the floor, lightly dust the bare floor with poultry dust / DE, and replace with 4 - 5" of shavings.
thank you jenski.....good idea you have to use DE and the dust...thanks...Wendy
Oh, I didnt know we were spose to change the litter, I guess I know what I need to do.

Actuallly, I use deep litter method, and start with couple inches, and turn it a couple times a week, as long as it stays dry, deep liter method would work on vinyl

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