how often to gather eggs?


In the Brooder
Nov 2, 2015
How often do you gather your eggs? We're going out of town for thanksgiving, I usually gather them every morning. It's usually just 2 or 3, but we since I will not be around for 3 days do you think they'll be okay till I get back? The forecast doesn't look to be very cold, and they are fertilized if that makes a difference. Thoughts?
How often do you gather your eggs? We're going out of town for thanksgiving, I usually gather them every morning. It's usually just 2 or 3, but we since I will not be around for 3 days do you think they'll be okay till I get back? The forecast doesn't look to be very cold, and they are fertilized if that makes a difference. Thoughts?
That should not be a problem as long as it's not freezing in the coop. Eggs will stay good for up to 3 Mo if kept from getting too Cold or too Hot and not washed.

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