How Old Am I?


9 Years
May 21, 2010
Otis, Oregon ~ Chicken People Since 5/10
These are my Black Australorp chooks, enjoying a bit of the great outdoors, in the comfort of the great indoors.
I believe them to be roughly 5 weeks old. Anyone else care to venture a guess?
The one on the extreme left is Mrs. Gladys Kravitz, wearing her patented trademark look of "hey, what's going on over there?!"
Also, I have only been able to identify her from the others because of specific beak markings...but that is changing quickly. Anybody know where I can get 6 all different colored leg bands? Everyone only seems to sell them 25 at a whack, and all of one color. I would love to be able to (shh...don't tell them) tell them apart!
When the kids were here over the holiday weekend, they accepted that Gladys was Gladys, and named everyone else "follows", because everyone needs a name, and because the all chooks ran toward them, and whatever they were doing. Very social, curious, chatty, and unafraid, my lot.

Bright Blessings, from my chooks to yours!
Adorable, they do look 5/6 ish weeks to me, but they are not my breed - so I am no expert.

I have read that you can buy a package of colored zip ties and use them as leg bands. I can only find 3 colors tho so
I must be looking in the wrong stores - have my DH on the search now after I showed him that there was not multiple colors.

Mrs GK (hey those are my initials) looks like she could possibly be a he – I am just speculating due to the pink looking comb and its size.
Thanks, HorseFeathers!
I have been bracing myself for the possibility (probability, in fact) there will be at least one Roo. I was rather hoping it wouldn't be Gladys.
Her comb looks much the same as the others, but once you mentioned that, I began thoroughly inspecting/comparing the combs, and I think one other one, for sure, is. The comb is almost twice as thick as the rest.
If Gladys is, as well, I will have 2 roos and only 4 layers...not the odds I was hoping for...
Still, we have been building amazing Aussies and they are dual purpose...soooo...s/he will find something constructive to do with his/her life.
thanks again!

Bright Blessings
I'm guessing about the same age as mine, 5 wks. I got my poultry bands at my local feed store since I only needed a few. I thougt I was a bad 'chicken momma' because I couldn't tell my BOs apart either but several of them look just alike and, they grow so fast, I just wasn't sure! Anyway, I got the little yellow bands that have numbers on them. You just sort of unroll them and then wrap them around their little legs, kinda like a little ankle bracelet. They pick at them for a little while and then ignore them. Works great....

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