How old are theese chicks can someone tell me?


5 Years
Oct 10, 2018
Puerto rico
They might have a respiratory disease, such as infectious bronchitis or mycoplasma (MG.) If it is IB, they will sneeze for a month or so. Make sure they are drinking plenty of water, and keep the nostrils clean if they have secretions. If it is MG, they mught respond to Tylan50 1/4 ml orally 2-3 times a day for 5 days. Here is a good link to read about those and other common diseases:
They look about 4-5 weeks old, to me anyway. If they have a respiratory disease, Tylan may help get rid of secondary symptoms. They and the other chick would be carriers for life though. Tylan can be injected or given orally, it's 2 mL (i think) per pound of chicken.
@Eggcessive @Wyorp Rock
I'm not good with ages:D

Add a decimal to the front of your 2 it should read .20ml - but you got it right! Tylan50 can be used to treat secondary infection due to respiratory disease.
I'm not good with ages:D

Add a decimal to the front of your 2 it should read .20ml - but you got it right! Tylan50 can be used to treat secondary infection due to respiratory disease.
Ahhh right! I remember trying to give Tylan orally to my bantam--it was super hard becuase the syringe was meant for more liquid than .3 milligrams lol

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