How old before grit?


In the Brooder
11 Years
Jan 4, 2009
Kunkletown, PA
My first flock (8) of chicks will be arriving Wednesday. I've done all the reading, and I have everything all set up. Brooder, heat lamp, thermometer, water and feed. The only little bit of info I couldn't find, was how long to wait before adding some sort of grit to their food. And if anybody has any suggestions on what type of grit to use. Thanks!
IMO, they don't need grit until you start offering foods other than their chick starter. Think of grit as their false teeth. If you are offering foods that need "chewing" to break up, they need grit.
I used plain parakeet grit for my chick's first grit, not the kind with added calcium. Worked just fine.
Yes, as long as they are strictly eating chick starter they do not need grit. However if you are offering them treats in a couple of weeks, they will need grit. I don't know the brand name that I use. It is by the pet supply stuff for finches/parakeets and other birds. I can always find it at the local Wal-mart. I just sprinkle it on top of their food.

As long as your birds has access to the ground (for sand/small rocks/pebbles) they don't need grit.
I figured when they go outside they won't need it, I just wasn't sure if they needed it with the starter feed. Thank you all very much :)

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