How old to tell gender of Polish Chicks

bruce springsteen

In the Brooder
11 Years
Mar 16, 2008
I have 5 golden laced, 5 silver laced, and 5 white crown black polish chicks 1 week old. I can only keep 3-4 of them and I have someone who is going to buy the rest from me but I need to pick out hens (they were ordered straight run) not having any experience with sexing, I am wondering how old they will be before I can visually tell the hens from roosters?

Any advice would be much appreciated,

I have only ever had three but could sort of tell by 8 weeks that one was a boy. He had small wattles and his feathers were getting pointed on his neck and head.
I was told if the topnotch is really round than it's female and if it's more narrow than it's male. It became pretty true when we had our polish babies.

Good luck,


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