how old until I don't have to leave their light on at night?


10 Years
May 6, 2009
is there a certain age to go by for when they're in the brooder that I don't have to keep their light on all night long?

ETA: they are in the house where it is in the 70's at night in here. the lowest it gets in here is 68*
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I don't use a timetable, I watch them, adjust the lamp, if they huddle up they are cold, if they stay away from the light and peck each other it is too hot. Wait for their feathers to start coming in, then you will have more options.

so once they have a lot of feathers then it should be better? they seem to not be in the light as often as they were...

I'm just trying to save on a little electricity, but I don't want to compromise their health either
If you are following the rule of 90 to 95 degrees at day one and decreasing by 5 degrees a week, you can stop using the light when the temps. without the heat lamp are where they need to be per the chick's age.
Does that make sense? or am I too tired to be posting on the forum right now?
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I thought that too LOL! so now we're down to 90*... so 3 or 4 more weeks then I guess??

I guess I just didn't know if in the night since they'd be all cuddling together sleeping if they would be warm enough together without the light if that makes sense...
My chicks are like 6 or 7 wks old and have been outside in a brooder shed for 2 wks already. They are fully feathered,but i still have a 250 watt heat lamp out there for them. They are so spoiled and i know it is costing me an extra 10.00 bucks a month on electricity. I know they don't need it but, i just can't bring myself to shut it off. Guess i'm just an old fool.

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