How small to cut up food for chickens?

I have never seen my cats swallow things the size of some of the things my chickens have downed.

Yesterday 3 of my 4 hens all ate a small frog. They would each try to pull the lgs off or break it into smaller pieces but as soon as the other hens would see them and try to take it away from them they would just swallow it whole. Couldn't believe they would eat the whole frog like that lol
I have seen more than one frog massacred in our chicken house as well.

One area of advise that was given to me for the babies is to limit the amount of additional food outside of chick feed. By introducing it early, the chicks may begin to limit the growth nutrients in the chick feed and fill up on the treats and not wanting to eat their normal feed.

Good luck and enjoy them! I just adore my group - they are my sanity.
I have seen more than one frog massacred in our chicken house as well.

One area of advise that was given to me for the babies is to limit the amount of additional food outside of chick feed. By introducing it early, the chicks may begin to limit the growth nutrients in the chick feed and fill up on the treats and not wanting to eat their normal feed.

Good luck and enjoy them! I just adore my group - they are my sanity.
I am enjoying them -- they are so cute and have such funny personalities. They are also so friendly and sweet! If they see me coming, they sidle up as though they need to tell me something. That's helpful advice, too. I just switched from Scratch 'n' Peck to Modesto Milling Grower feed (another organic company local to where I am), and they like the Modesto Milling crumbles a lot better and find them easier to eat, so I think they're getting a lot more actual feed now.
I have older ladies right now and one very sweet boy and they all beg worse than my dogs.

I have created 18 monsters....but I wouldn't trade them for anything.

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