Dona Worry
My handsome boy Nardole is constantly skinny. If you feel his breast bone it is vastly more prominent than all the other chickens, and he just feels light for his size.
No sign of worms, no sign of illness. He has a virtually unnoticeable cross beak that I keep filed down, and they are getting a 22% protein feed free choice.
I think the problem is he is too high strung. I NEVER see him eat. Ever. In the morning he is ALWAYS standing on the nest box keeping track of the layers. I open the door and out he goes, scanning for danger. He tidbits for the hems when he finds the goodies I put out for them, then he finds a place to stand watch if they are in the run, and if they are free ranging he leads them to the bushes and stands on the edge, only taking breaks to escort the girls back to the coop to lay.
I never see him dust bathe.
I never see him eat.
I never see him relax.
I'm at a loss. I want to switch the hens down to a lower protein feed for winter, as they are eating less low-protein snacks, and besides, they ARE getting chubby, but I don't dare while Nardy boy is liable to float away on a stray breeze!
I thought about trying to put him in with the new chicks early, where the space is smaller and the routine is less demanding, but I am not sure I want to move Clara early, and she needs to go with him because Rory likes to bully her, and Nardole protects her.
I have tried offering him supplemental food, but if he is separated from his flock he becomes depressed and won't eat, and if he is left WITH the flock, he feeds them his special food!
What to do?! Is he just forever destined to be thin? Will he grow out of his hypervigilance? Does he have some sort of metabolic disorder?
No sign of worms, no sign of illness. He has a virtually unnoticeable cross beak that I keep filed down, and they are getting a 22% protein feed free choice.
I think the problem is he is too high strung. I NEVER see him eat. Ever. In the morning he is ALWAYS standing on the nest box keeping track of the layers. I open the door and out he goes, scanning for danger. He tidbits for the hems when he finds the goodies I put out for them, then he finds a place to stand watch if they are in the run, and if they are free ranging he leads them to the bushes and stands on the edge, only taking breaks to escort the girls back to the coop to lay.
I never see him dust bathe.
I never see him eat.
I never see him relax.
I'm at a loss. I want to switch the hens down to a lower protein feed for winter, as they are eating less low-protein snacks, and besides, they ARE getting chubby, but I don't dare while Nardy boy is liable to float away on a stray breeze!
I thought about trying to put him in with the new chicks early, where the space is smaller and the routine is less demanding, but I am not sure I want to move Clara early, and she needs to go with him because Rory likes to bully her, and Nardole protects her.
I have tried offering him supplemental food, but if he is separated from his flock he becomes depressed and won't eat, and if he is left WITH the flock, he feeds them his special food!
What to do?! Is he just forever destined to be thin? Will he grow out of his hypervigilance? Does he have some sort of metabolic disorder?