How to Break a Broody Hen

I have to say. This thread was a life saver. We had a Jersey Giant that would not leave the nest box. She has been there for at least six weeks. We didn't know what was wrong, we thought maybe she was sick or being bullied. After reading this we put her in a dog kennel on a hardware cloth bottom with food and water(which she tipped over repeatedly) for ONE DAY! The kennel was in the chicken pen with all the other girls around! six hours total and then back in the coop at night and...she was cured!!!! The next day she back with the other girls in the yard and roosting at night. SUCCESS!!!! Thank You ALL!!!
Had my very first broody Christmas week! A young 7 mos old New Hampshire from Mt Healthy. I did catch it early, day 3 and thanks to this forum got her in the wire cage
that day. My first mistake was letting her free range that evening for a bit "hoping" she'd have a quick recovery,as shes so young, but not to be, so back in the cage for 3 plus days. X-Mas eve day I let her out and she has been fine since
!! In researching breeds, I never paid much attention to broody types (I had 2 Delawares for 7-8 yrs and never once broody),so this was all new to me and now I have 3 Brahmas and 2 BO's - all broody types to look forward to...keep fingers crossed they wont especially now with cold temp's and water freezing.

The crate I got from Ocean State Job Lot...loved it! The choice of 3 doors front, side and top. Having that top door made it so much easier to feed and water with no escapes!
Also relatively inexpensive 35.00 for small/med.
Thx for the all the great info on here!
I would like to thank all of you for the wonderful advice on broodies. I set up my large dog kennel and put both (had 2) and one after 2 days wouldn't have any more of it but the other was very stubborn and took about 6. She still growls at me but she's gonna have to get over it.

When Sosoft(my Brahma Hen) was Broody I put her egg down,let her put it under herself,took it out from under her and showed it to her,then took it away.Somehow that worked.
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When Sosoft(my Brahma Hen) was Broody I put her egg down,let her put it under herself,took it out from under her and showed it to her,then took it away.Somehow that worked.

Doesn't sound like a broody hen. A broody will glue herself into the nest whether there are any of her eggs, golf balls, fake eggs or no eggs at all. It isn't about the eggs, it is about the hormones that say "I MUST HATCH".
I agree completely with putting them in the cage with the wire bottom. I've had all kinds of bantams and they all get broody esp the cochins.. The cochins were always almost impossible to stop till I started using the cage technique. Just them and food and water and absolutely nothing to sit on except the wire. It usually only takes a few days.
One of my game hens has gone broody I think. Does it happen like overnight? She seemed fine yesterday, laid today (we took the egg) but will not leave the nesting box. I take her out and she goes right back in. She got me good with a peck and is being an overall jerk.
I don't know about game birds in general though I think my 2 Cubalayas are game bird based. In any case, the answer here can be Yep! Lay eggs for a few days then one morning, bam, broody. Those are the hard ones because if they haven't laid yet that day they might be in the nest to lay and of course they don't want to leave if that is the case. But then a couple of hours later they are still in the nest. How long does an egg take? Could be a while, wait another couple of hours, still there. Probably not working on an egg.

If they don't get out for "scratch before roost" time mine are definitely broody. They don't miss scratch for ANYTHING. Same with morning BOSS for some of them. If the egg isn't imminent when I open the barn they will come running out of the nest and coop so they don't miss out, then go back in. Of course some just call to me and say "I'd like mine in the nest this morning please".

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