How to catch a chicken


10 Years
May 25, 2009
Long Island, New York
My chickens are not very affectionate. They won't let me catch them for anything. Especially the rooster. I can't remember the last time I held him.......I think it was last summer. Two of my hens need a little extra care because of the rooster pulling the feathers out of their heads during mating. So to catch them the only thing I've been able to physically do is grab their tail as they're running from me. No, I'm not chasing them. Any slight movement makes them skitter away. So I grab their tail to stop them and I quickly pick them up. Once I've got them they settle down and let me hold them. It really gets my heart racing, not just from attempting to catch the chicken, but also because I'm afraid my rooster will attack me once he sees me with one of his ladies!

Anyone have a better method that's a little less stressful on me and on them?
Oh, so do it while they're getting ready to sleep? OK, but picture this. My hen house is not a walk-in. Meaning I can't walk inside. I have a large maintenance door that I use for cleaning and filling feeder/water. If I open the maintenance door and try to grab a hen out, won't the rooster attack? He'd be right at the level of my torso and head!
I usually scatter scratch or other treats right in front of my knees as I am squatted down. I let them mill around and eat, as soon as one turns their back, I swoop them up. No fuss from them or effort from me. Good luck!!
If you NEED to get them when they are out and about for the day I have used one of those fishing nets on the long pole before. At first I was afraid it would hurt their legs, but no mishaps so far -
Getting them off the roost is best, but sometimes that can't be done or you can't wait. Has anyone else caught chickens using the nets or am I the only one?
The only roos that will let me reach down and just pick them up are the black copper marans. I know I've said it over and over, but these guys are such sweethearts, even the roos and they're BIG! BIG, BIG boys! If they weren't so gentle, I'd be so intimidated. My cuckoo maran boy is as big, but he's not near so loveable. He's a no touchem bird. Gentle as he never ever challenges me, but he's no touchy da boid.


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