How To Catch A Thief

rufus just imagine the crater she would have made if she fell out of the tree.The nerve of people, tell her to plant a pecan and grow her own.
Well, I grew up with my father owning a pizza restaurant and he didn't care if an employee grabbed a soda and ate a pizza or sub for lunch. My dad didn't care, as long you weren't giving free pizzas away. A lot of the employees lasted 1+ years cause he gave it more lenient attitude and people love that. If there was nothing to do you can go and read the newspaper and relax for abit. Small companies are the best.
Boss found a pop today. Not a happy person. Found it hid behind some soup. Thief moved to a different cooler this time.
Nothing yet.
Hope the owners get those new cameras I found.

Been finding different things hidden now. A co-worker found a package that held 8 mini candy bars behind some other stuff. Package was empty. Figured the thief took them with them out of the store.
We are trying to be more vigilant but it is hard to be watchful when we are really busy.
Talk about a tight spot!
The owner approached me about keeping an eye on one of the persons we are pretty sure is stealing. They asked that if I saw this person leaving with a box, bag or other item to let them or the store manager know. They want to get rid of this person, but need a good reason to fire them or they could be sued for wrongful dismissal.
Because of this person and another one we have a ton of new rules.

I have had a couple of confrontations with this person already. They like running their mouth.
The other owner pulled me aside and warned me that they are pretty sure this person is unstable and to leave nothing of mine around. Water bottle, coffee cup or anything this person might spit in or put something in.

Why me?
They trust me.
And I am friends with all the law enforcement in our county.
The cops know what this person is.

Since we started watching this person more closely the thefts have stopped.
Small business owners sometimes do not realize the importance of pre employment background checks. It is a small price to pay to avoid hiring those that make a practice out of abusing the industrial compensation programs or suing their employers for imagined insults and/or sexual harassment.

If a prospective employee has a prior criminal record or a record of filing law suits or abusing the social welfare system, it is best to not hire them. Problem avoided.
Yeah it might have rufus.
They had asked around about this person, but even the persons former manager said this person was a great worker.
BUT what has now been coming out just makes you sick. Makes me nervous when I see this person up at the till. Had a customer tell me that this person would not charge them for items at the business they had worked at.
Had another customer tell us that this person would only charge half price on a 12pk of beer or charge for 1 can of snuff instead of a full roll of 5.

The way this person runs their mouth and the fact they have gotten in my face twice concerns me. They act sweet with the customers, but I feel nervous around them. Going to ask the owners if it is ok if I can pack pepper spray with me to work.
I work at the large orange home improvement store. We have two stores within about 30 minutes of each other. We have a chronic problem with shoplifting but with a new slant. Okay, so what they do is lift from one store and return it to the other, get store credit, and then sell the store credit to someone for cash. Unfortunately for a lot of them we have a district shrink guy who tracks the thieves on his interconnected cameras, the connections are of all the stores in the north part of our state. They let the shoplifters bring the merchandise back, give them the gift card, then as soon as the person is out of the store they invalidate the gift card/store credit. The shoplifter doesn't know until they sell the gift card and whoever us stuck with it comes back to the thief. I can only imagine how that goes...

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