How to catch injured feral chicken?


Apr 18, 2018
I am trying to capture a feral game hen. She appears to have a broken wing, so I want to do this ASAP without causing more damage. I know which tree she roosts in at night. When I put a ladder up this evening (after dusk but not pitch black), she saw me coming and jumped to a different tree branch.

What time of night are chickens unconscious and grabbable? Should I just grab around the wings and carry like a football to climb down the ladder? Should I bring a pillowcase or something? I don't want her to struggle out of my hands and fall.

I can't get anywhere near her during the day... she's scared of people.
When it is dark, you are still able to see, and chickens' sight is almost absent. You also have to be concerned with your own safety and not falling off.
I personally would do it when it is DARK, and I know my abilities.
Question?? How high up in the tree is the chicken at first landing, and does she stay there unless scared off.??
I have captured chickens before with a Fishing net. I have one on an extended long pole, for that use.
Not sure if that option is good/possible for you?
If you can,,,,, I think carrying down like a football would be fine. First make sure chicken is somewhat calm, before you start your way down. They usually will settle after a short time being held. When you hold against your body, they will somewhat start to feel a sense of security, since you are not a predator trying to dismember it.
If chicken is able to to escape to different branches, as well as make a flight up into tree, the injury may not be severe.. :idunno
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,:highfive:
I am trying to capture a feral game hen. She appears to have a broken wing, so I want to do this ASAP without causing more damage. I know which tree she roosts in at night. When I put a ladder up this evening (after dusk but not pitch black), she saw me coming and jumped to a different tree branch.

What time of night are chickens unconscious and grabbable? Should I just grab around the wings and carry like a football to climb down the ladder? Should I bring a pillowcase or something? I don't want her to struggle out of my hands and fall.

I can't get anywhere near her during the day... she's scared of people.
I've caught a lot of feral chickens. Bring a pillow case, follow to the roosting tree and wait until black dark. Set up your ladder and prune away any close small branches next to the chicken. With two hands, as quick as you can possibly move, firmly grab the chicken near the bottom of its wings. They are fast. The second you touch that chicken it will explode from the branch. Put it in the pillow case and climb back down. It will stay still as long as you keep its head covered. Good luck.

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