How to cook an Easter Bunny...

This a one of the reasons why I ordered Freedom Rangers as first time meat birds for us. I got turned off of the other meat bird options just from reading posts here. I did not want our first experience to be a bad one
We are also considering rabbits. It's all so very exciting to raise our own meat!

You should!! I love my rabbits and chickens equally - they're both fun! I don't know why someone would say they don't have personality though? You should walk into my rabbitry once, my rabbits could prove you wrong in a second LOL. I have 13 adults - so the babies quickly lose their 'cute' appeal and there's always so many of them it's darn near impossible to name or even get to know. Besides, the end result is so YUMMY
I've been trying hard to convince my DH that we need meat rabbits, but he's not jumping on the bandwagon. Probably because he'd have to kill them, and I can't say as I blame him there.
I know how to cook him, but how the heck do you catch him?
I've been trying to spot the sucker for nearly 70 years.
My Mom used to fix rabbit when I ws a kid. We all liked it, squirrel too. Can't stand pheasant, tho and that is what we had the most of. Yuk. This year, DH shot a rabbit and he invited the neighbors over to try it. (I had never made rabbit before) I looked up fried rabbit on the internet and found a simple recipe. It was wonderful. We all had a little taste. DD12 wasn't sure. She said she liked it, but I think it was mind over matter thing. I have a pet flemish rabbit now that we bred for 4-H. I've got the idea in the back of my head... Not sure if I could butcher my own cuddly "warm fuzzy".
I'm alright with processing our chickens and turks, but only after the heads are gone. DH has to do that... We are trying to raise as much of our own food as possible, so...
how do you fry rabbit without it getting dry and stringy? I never could get that down, but then we almost never fry anything in the house. I am still not great at frying chicken. I partially fry chicken then bake it the rest of the way.

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