How to feed tankage?

But I would think that the majority of flock owners buy pre-packaged feed from huge corporations who also are in the "tankage" game. What do you think the "Other 2%" is????

Going to say something I shouldn't say here, but have none of you eaten at a Mc Donald's before???? Or go out for pizza???? Or a buffet????? Don't go completely crazy worrying about what you eat occasional amounts of.
It's when you LIVE off the junk that we're going to have issues.

For the record, I would call a Big Mac "tankage"
Ok I'll ask, has anybody got research to back up this thing called , "tankage". I don't eat Big Mac's, I usually eat the Fish sandwich, but rarely eat at fast food places. As for the other 2%, I don't think about what it is. If you know something the rest of us don't please tell us what you know about the "other 2%" and where you found this out.
I am not trying to be a smart......., I'd just like to check it out for myself thank you.
Not related to McDonalds but do a google search of "What's really in pet food" and you will get more than you ever wanted to know with resources to back a lot of it up. Also search fat rendering. For info on OUR food industry read some books about factory farming. A couple of good ones are Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and The Omnivore's Dilemma.
I used the Blue Kote with good success before. I had a bunch of young chicks that started pecking each other pretty badly. But I also gave them more room (I think boredom is one cause for pecking and once it starts, it's pretty hard to stop.) There are some patterns online and on BYC for chicken saddles (one is no sew) to protect any bare skin on their backs. Hang up a cabbage or other green vegetation to give them something to peck at and make sure they are not overcrowded.

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