How to get chickens to roost in house and not in run?

Well, one night, I forget which, I went out after dark and grabbed them and moved them in to the little house. There was a lot of screaming (human and chickens including the ones in the other house responding) and flapping and eyeglasses flying but I got it done. Two roosters spent that night on the roosts in the house and one on the ground (he couldn't see to get up on a roost). It was supposed to rain but didn't. I have not tried to move them again, and they have spent every single night out in the run. We have not had measurable rain now in two months. One night, they did get spritzed but didn't care. We're finally supposed to get rain in two days but it will start during the day if it does. They go in the house to eat fast so maybe they'll seek shelter. I will find out. On a different note, my hen Perky, has been sleeping in the nest box (a plastic dog house) and pooping in there! She was molting but has enough feathers now that she could roost with the others but the dominant hen pecks her away. Perky being nutty Perky, she does a lot of screaming and running around in response. At least, the two roosters left with her do not try to gang rape her in response like the others did. I've tried putting a saddle on her but she just sits down with her dress as if the burden is too great to carry on so I had to take it off. I've tried a few times. Anyway, I don't see any recent damage on her back so she's okay for now.

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