How to get my chicks out of the coop.


In the Brooder
8 Years
Apr 27, 2011
I hope this is the correct forum.

Our coop came today and I put my chicks in there so they could get used to it and get some fresh air. They loved it. So much so that they refused to come out. They are only five weeks old so I wanted to bring them back inside. My poor husband had to crawl into the coop to get them. It was sad and funny at the same time.

Anyway, I want to put them in the coop every day but be able to get them out before night fall. Is there a secret to getting them to come to the door of the coop when I want them to????

Thanks for the help in advance!
I fine it easier to catch them while in the coop than running around out side the coop
they go crazy when I try to catch them
I agree, if daytime is warm enough for them, nighttime might well be, too.

It will take some time for them to be comfortable in their surroundings, and begin to come and go on their own. This was only their first day -- give them time, and let them explore at their own rate.

When people get older chickens, they often lock them in the coop for a few days so the chickens will know it is home. So your chicks were just doing this on their own. They're fine.
Historically, the low at this time of the year is in the low 60s but it has been chillier this year. It has gotten down into the 40s.
We have some younguns too, and they have been getting to spend a little longer outside since the weather has been better. Tonight I went out to get them to bring them into the garage and the 2 older chicks were sitting on the top of the gate beside the back door and the others were at the bottom of the gate waiting for me to come take them to bed. Maybe yours will get a routine down, leave them a little longer til it starts to cool off and they will be waiting for you. I think for me its time to move the two flyers outside with the big chickens....
what kind of coop do you have? If it is hard to get in how are you going to clean it?....the chicks should be ok if it is closed up at night and you have lots of bedding in there for them.
It is easy to rake out, but not easy for a full grown person to walk into.

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