how to get show quality silkies???


6 Years
Dec 6, 2013
Australia, NSW
i'm not sure if this is the best place to post thsi tread, so sorry if it isnt!

so my question is how to get show quality silkies? i'm not actually wanting to show my silkies, but i see other peoples silkies (and some of those people dont even show their silkies) and they are big and fulffy with a big poof, afro thingo(i think people call it the creast?) and than i look at my silkies and they are scragelly and not and big and poofy!, i mean i love my silkies, but i wish that they could be bit better in the looks department, so im just wondering if there is anything i can do to make my silkies look a bit better??

thanks for any help!!
If you buy from a respected breeder that is the way to get the large crests.

The hatchery silkies usually have smaller crests. The best hatchery silkies I have had were from Cackle.

I have hatched out Catdance silkie eggs and their crests were lovely. But you should look at the breeders' websites and decide. Get on the silkie thread to see some breeder names mentioned. Pay attention to Sonoran Silkies' posts...she is good with genetics.
well my silkies are from a lady who breeds silkies and other chooks, my silkies arnt from a hactery
It just depends on the strain and if they have been bred for large crests.

Also you can have pet quality silkies hatch from show quality silkies. So just because the parents are show quality doesn't mean the chicks will be. That is my understanding anyway.

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