How to handle baby chicks so that they get used to me


6 Years
May 11, 2013
We have six 1- week-old baby chicks (2 Brahmas, 2 Buff Orpingtons, and 2 Aracaunas). We have been picking them up about once every couple of days. However, I am also putting my hand in their brooder to let them step on it and touch it etc. to get used to my touch. However, lately, when I put my hand in to pick one up, the 2 aracaunas will try to peck me! I'm guessing that we should be handling them more, but I don't want them to get overly stressed. These are our first chickens, and though we've done our research (with the much appreciated aid from the BYC forum!) we feel clueless on this issue. Any advice?
The Araucanas are probably just being a bit overly friendly. Brahmas usually don't need much to get them to be friendly. Mine and big fat and lazy so they don't fight it too much if I want to pick them up.
I'd say if they're brave enough to come and peck you, they are pretty tame!! I've had this happen before, and I think its normal.

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