how to hatch?


10 Years
Apr 23, 2009
upstate, NY
I'm sorry if this doesn't belong here....

It looks like we will be hatching eggs sometime this month.....
NEVER done this before....
Does anyone have any suggestions of a good incubator and what other supplies we may need?

Also, i've heard that the chicks don't know right away (obviously) where the food and water come from and need help with that in their first day.....
how do we do that? we'll probably be giving them to the people we are going to be sharing the hatch with on day 2.

thanks for the help!
Hi ksct,
Please could you post this in the Incubating Section just above the Raising Chicks Section.
I can't answer your qeustions, I myself have never hatched out chicks myself.
So maybe if you post there you might get more responses
First, Do NOT buy an LG bator or thermometers!!!!!!!!!
second, when they hatch just dip their beek into the waterer. I do it twice. They don't like it. LOL
You can place small marbles or I used My wifes lil glass stones from her vases. LOL she didn't like that
They will actually try to peck at the marbles and thus- they find the water. and the marbles keep them from climbing into the waterer and drowning!
I just sprinkle the feed on the ground(paper Towels) for the first 2 days. then they know what the feed is and what it looks like. Then I add the feeder and on like day 4 or 5 I remove the towels. You can find everything you need on the help section and in the threads on the messege board. I hope this helps. It is addictive. You've been warned!!! LOL

Good Luck and God Bless!
P.S. chick feeder, waterer, marbles, heat lamp, red bulb! Brooder, chick starter feed, thermo/hygrometer ( I got a wireless unit from lowes for like $15.) I got some Poli-Visol baby vitamins with out iron from wally world, Just in case! It helps if you have 1 that is just a lil off! as for a incubator.... IM not sure. I did use an LG but it was a nightmare!!!!! They are very hard to keep a constant temp with. they also have temp spikes! and their thermometers (I got 3) ALL were off by 3 degrees +/- !!!!!!! I will try to keep adding to this as I remember. LOL I have a horrible memory.. Sorry!

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