How to incubate muscovy eggs? I'm a newbie.


9 Years
Oct 16, 2010
My circulated air hovabator just arrived in the mail yesterday and I want to get started right away. I know the first thing I have to do is tune it to the correct temperature and humidity but I'm unsure of what it should be. I have done tons of searching around the web and it seems like there is a lack of information on the subject. Could somebody suggest a website or describe the process to a successful hatch. Thank You.
All mine have been natural hatches, but if I remember correctly, 98 +/- degrees high humidity and muscovy are 35 days, not the regular 28.

Good luck!
Yup, best luck is a natural hatch, But this is how I Incubator hatch them if needed,

I hand turn them 2-3 times a day until the last 3-4 days

I spray them with a Squirt bottle once a day

I have hatched many this way.... Pretty Simple..

I keep all the bottom trays of the Incubator full of water at all times..

Also 99.5 degrees if Im not mistaken..
I would love to do a natural hatch but my duck wont cooperate. I have had the eggs for about a week and a half and hse is nowhere near broody.
im starting with my humidity around 55ish.. but Im also misting a few times a day (no set amount.. just whenever i happen to walk by the bator and figure they need it).. for lockdown I'll probably bump it to 80 or better.. it has been YEARS since i hatched any muscovys.. but from what I remember that's how i did it before.. I'm also leaving the bator open for anywhere from 15 to 25 minutes once a day then misting as i close it back up to simulate momma leaving the nest for her daily feed and bath.. lol..

I have seen a few notes where people say to start them at 80% humidity.. then raise it to 90 at lockdown.. but Im a bit afraid of drowning the lil buggers... so I guess unless someone else has a better method and chimes in .. I'll go with what I remember

I will be setting another batch probably tomorrow (waiting for tracking to update.. for now they seem to be in limbo somewhere in the postal service).. I might weigh them and monitor moisture loss to double check it...
While I would LOVE to take credit, we are far removed, lol - City Boy is Polish
Donh't ask my how thatis a Polish name,but it is - he isonly 2nd generation American.

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