How to introduce 7 week old chick to flock?


Jul 10, 2022
I have a small flock of four chickens, one being a rooster. Two of the females are boisterous. They will likely fight as they have before in grown chicken introductions. This chick is very docile and small and will definitely be killed if I just toss her in. At what point, and to which method, should I introduce them? Is it better for her to be young, as she now is, or wait until she is grown? They have never met before, she is not one of their babies. She was found in a random location alone and was brought home and cleaned up. She is so sweet and gentle and clingy. She would definitely be easily attacked as she is not a fighter. Thanks!
Is there any way you can find her a similarly aged/sized buddy? She's clingy because she's lonely, and she'll be just as lonely in your flock, in addition to being bullied. Even if they don't try to kill her, it will be a LONG time before they truly accept her. Many months, maybe a year or more (my chicks from last year are over a year old now, full grown laying hens, and the elders still chase and harass them). That would be a very long time for her not to have any company she can feel safe with and socialize with. Integrating a single chicken is always extra hard on that chicken, because it will be ostracized and lonely for so long. It goes MUCH better if it has company to commiserate with. They'll still be shunned, but at least they'll have each other for comfort and company. And they will bond with each other over their common enemy, even if they haven't previously known each other. So, find another chick from somewhere (maybe post to your state's thread here on BYC, or any local facebook groups etc. and ask around), then introduce the two of them to the flock slowly and gradually, with the see-don't-touch method (somewhere where the flock can see them, but not get to them, like in a partition of the run separated from the main flock by chicken wire).

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