How to keep chickens out of flowerbeds and such?!


11 Years
Apr 26, 2008
Hello, My name is Kristi and I am new to the board......... I have a dilemma........I let my chickensout of their coop during the daytime and They are getting into my flower beds and such and scratching up all the mulch and hardwork that I have put into them, I dont want to deprive my chickens of getting out to roam around my yard because they love it so much! Anyone have any ideas besides fencing (I already went that route) around the flowerbeds to keep them out????? I was wondering if mothballs would work, I know they keep other creature out.......... PLEASE let me know all ideas!!!
I run around like a...... well.....a you know what with it's head cut off trying to keep them out some days. Either get used to some loss and some extra work, find a fencing solution that pleases you, or keep them confined. I haven't figured anything out myself, so I'm still choosing option A, myself. I guess I enjoy the chickens roaming my yard more than a nice neat flower bed. But if you do come up with a solution, feel free to share! Good Luck!
And welcome fellow Michigander!!
Usually, the ornamental fences only work if your hens are lazy. Green vinyl-coated chicken wire works best, but it's not a look that many people prefer
It rusts pretty badly over the course of a summer. The green also doesn't detract from the flowers as much. But, well, it's chicken wire.
For the chickens!!

LOL thanks for the reply.

I guess when my Dad used the chicken wire for the sides of my rabbit cages it had enough overhang to keep it from getting wet and rusting.
I am trying to come up with a way to keep the chickens off my patio and deck. I saw some motion sensor sprinklers at the hardware store last year. I am thinking of positioning a few near the patio and deck to spray them when they approach.

I think this might work for my situation. So far I have been spraying water with a hose end sprayer and I don't even need to get them wet, just shoot a blast in their direction. I want the automatic system for summer, when I won't be outside in the afternoon to defend my territory! If this works, then I can plant my flowerbed and have containers with flowers on the deck.

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