How to keep hens out of the chick feed


Jul 3, 2022
My broody hen hatched 5 chicks about 4 weeks ago. They have been raised inside the coop since hatching but up until now they have been separated into a smaller area.

Now that everyone is together, how do I keep my adult hens from wasting my chick feed? They are ignoring their normal food and solely destroy the chick feeders and I'm concerned the chicks aren't getting enough since their mom is lower in the pecking order she doesn't have much authority.

Is adding more feeders the only way, adding a section of fence only the babies can get through and have their supplies inside, or just let the hens have at it and switch everyone to all flock?
adding a section of fence only the babies can get through and have their supplies inside,
Yep, that would work....but only for so long.

or just let the hens have at it and switch everyone to all flock?
It certainly keeps thing simpler.
I've never fed anything to my birds but all flock...
...and or course put out Oyster Shell for the active layers.

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