How to keep t posts from twisting?!?!


7 Years
Mar 1, 2017
Mowing, the woods, the garage.
Building a chicken run. I am getting frustrated because all the t posts this and turn and lean over as I put them in the ground and all the other fences I have seen are perfectly straight and the t posts are twisted to the side.

How do you keep t posts from twisting hole pounding?

I've pounded T-posts in for almost a mile of fencing, and I've learned how they should look while going into the ground! At first, it tool a level, standing back, and redoing some. Then, with practice, it's easy!
Get a couple of them straight, and the right height, and then stand next to them and get a feeling for how they should look.
Do wear ear protectors while pounding them in!!!
All they tall one's? Six foot to start?
I stand up on something to get above them and they are easier to keep straight. I'm over six foot but it makes it easier, using a heavy maul to pound them anyway.
I use the metal tube-like device (whose name I don't remember) to pound them in. I prefer the one without the handles on the sides.
It's called a post hammer, what I use too.
I also use a post level, made for 4x4's but it can work on Tposts too(just have to resettle the bubble once in awhile).
The twisting is often due to rocks in soil, hard to get it right at times.

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