How to Make a Decent Thread

Blue Raptor

Pro Deo et Patria
Premium Feather Member
Feb 20, 2021
Deutschland 🇩🇪
My Coop
My Coop
This thread is directed to New Members.
Most people make threads with strange titles that don't inform the responder what is wrong with the bird. For instance: "Help!!!" or "What is this?" or they type part of the thread in the title; "I saw my chicken today and she was walking funny..."
For the sake of the responders (sometimes me) try to diagnose the bird in a couple words like this: "Possible bumblefoot." or "Green poop on chick's bum." or even if you have no idea; "Not sure- mites maybe?" or at least give the responder a little idea what the thread will be about. Put your detailed information in the description.
In your description, try to be as informative as possible so that you can help the responder and in turn they can help you. DO: Tell them the problem, how it's affecting the bird, what happened or what they ate to lead up to the process, and try to keep them updated. Cooperate with the responder, if what they are offering isn't working then try to work it out, ask them if they can find someone who they think can help. DON'T: Use an overload of crying emojis 😭😭😭 (unless maybe the chicken had died), because it stresses both of you out and it is really unnecessary. Don't be vague. Remember that the responder needs as many hard facts and information they can get to diagnose the bird.
Definitely try to take the best pictures you can. This helps the most because alot of people don't take very good pictures in the heat of the moment. Try to get good lighting (in the sun, facing away from it is best), and take a picture of the affected spot. Make sure that the camera is focused first, though. If it is in a brooder, or you can't move the bird try to take the best picture you can anyway because a good photo sure helps alot.
Be sure both you and the responder try to work together for the best results! :)
Hope this thread can help people! Anyone who sees this thread, try to direct New Members to it!
I have seen where the posting thread starter, barked back, and said "I don't need any more advice in that portion"
That was being rude, and not very appreciative of peeps trying to offer solutions.
This happened to someone else, not me, but it was a thread I responded to days before.
When such happens, I do not offer any further advice, and jump off from watching that thread.
I do agree with the above post,,,,:goodpost:,, to provide as much of a GOOD QUESTION as possible.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,Blue Raptor,,:highfive:
I’m a newer member and have been guilty of some of this stuff. Especially the title stuff. In the heat of the moment I don’t know what to write in the title and just want to get to describing the problem. I hope I have gotten better and been respectful of others who have helped me. Thank you for this thread and taking the time to explain to us newbies. I’ve never been apart of a forum before so this is really all new to me.
I have seen where the posting thread starter, barked back, and said "I don't need any more advice in that portion"
That was being rude, and not very appreciative of peeps trying to offer solutions.
This happened to someone else, not me, but it was a thread I responded to days before.
When such happens, I do not offer any further advice, and jump off from watching that thread.
I do agree with the above post,,,,:goodpost:,, to provide as much of a GOOD QUESTION as possible.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,Blue Raptor,,:highfive:
Thank you very much @cavemanrich I do understand too, that this might make some people angry because they think that they are doing a good job when experienced people know they aren't. I just hope people can drop their pride and accept the info on this page.
I have seen where the posting thread starter, barked back, and said "I don't need any more advice in that portion"
That was being rude, and not very appreciative of peeps trying to offer solutions.
This happened to someone else, not me, but it was a thread I responded to days before.
When such happens, I do not offer any further advice, and jump off from watching that thread.
Yes, I have seen this behavior too. Makes me not want to offer any help at all.
I have seen where the posting thread starter, barked back, and said "I don't need any more advice in that portion"
That was being rude, and not very appreciative of peeps trying to offer solutions.
This happened to someone else, not me, but it was a thread I responded to days before.
When such happens, I do not offer any further advice, and jump off from watching that thread.
I do agree with the above post,,,,:goodpost:,, to provide as much of a GOOD QUESTION as possible.

WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,Blue Raptor,,:highfive:
Thank you! We look forward to this website and all of you chick lovers.
For ages, I’ve been gently trying to tell folks when I find unanswered threads that making a specific title is more likely to catch attention for help. Most of the time folks are super receptive and really didn’t know. But also the “sticky threads” in a lot of the forum topics have specific rules, it it seems like no one ever reads the sticky threads 😞
For ages, I’ve been gently trying to tell folks when I find unanswered threads that making a specific title is more likely to catch attention for help. Most of the time folks are super receptive and really didn’t know. But also the “sticky threads” in a lot of the forum topics have specific rules, it it seems like no one ever reads the sticky threads 😞
I haven’t been on this thread for awhile, but yes it is very difficult to catch an idea of the situation when someone is being vague. Taking pictures of a wound, I have a hard time sometimes defining the problem when it is poorly done.

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