How to make a Silkie Go Broody!


11 Years
Dec 16, 2008
Hudson, WI
So, I got 2 boxes of eggs on Friday, and my incubator that I had set up to regulate was NOT working.

I quick set up a giant kennel in the house, put in 2 plastic tubs for nests, put pine bedding in the nests and in the kennel, draped it with a sheet, placed 15 eggs in each "nest" and waited until dark. After night had fallen, my son and I crept out into the yard and plucked 2 silkies out of the coop. We popped the groggy birds on the nests, turned out the lights, and offered up a quick prayer that this would work. Saturday morning rolled around and we put fresh food and water in the kennel. both girls came over to eat and drink and then went back to the nests and turned the eggs! Silkie 1 curled right back on the nest. Silkie 2 turned the eggs and then perched on the lip of the nest to go back to sleep. I gently moved her on to the eggs, and she stayed there. Sunday morning, both girls ate, drank and broody pooped! I was sooooooo thrilled!

I think it worked!
They are still at it, and have assumed the semi-comatose state of broody hens so I think we are set.

Total dumb luck, but it was the only thing I could think of!

I am amazed! I don't incubate well, so I could use a broody- on- command. Keep us posted.....
hhmmm i think that info may help with my leghorn... trying to see if she's gonna set these eggs she layed or not... this is her first clutch...
might try this with her tonight and see if i can get her to stick.. lol...
a friend suggested duck tape... rofl
Wow! That is awesome! I wanna try that! My silkies are not old enough yet, though, they haven't started laying yet but should any day now.

I hope they continue broody for you and hatch out lots of chickies. Keep us updated!

Good job!

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