How to make your chicks not scared of you

TREATS TREATS TREATS!!!! ok it's not quite that simple. The first and foremost thing that scares chicks is being chased, NEVER chase your chicks. a chick is only afraid of you because they don't know what you are going to do to them, make them familiar with you. that doesn't necesarily mean hold them. sit next to the coop/brooder with a book to keep you occupied while you sit around and a container of treats (fruits and vegetables work as good cheap treats), throw them a treat every once in a while until they come to look forward to your visits. eventually they will start running up to you when you come out and beg you for a treat.
Hang out with them. Give them treats. Hold them. Talk to them. All those things have worked well with me. I suppose breed is important.
My chicks were always afraid of me until they were moved to a larger area where I could go in and sit down with them. They would come sit on me and take little naps, but still didn't like it if I picked them up.
I need a better way to get to my chicks to snuggle more, they run and cheep like mad when I reach in, but all will quickly fall asleep once in my arms.
I'm getting my day olds tomorrow and I'm really curious how to make them a little more comfortable having me around. I did read it's not a good idea to handle them too much right away because of the risk of injury, if that's so how long is it safe to wait until I can hold or cuddle my chicks? Thanks in advance. :D
When can they start getting treats? What are the best kinds of treats for little ones? First time with chickens and my chickies will be one week old tomorrow. Have 3 and they are in a brooder in a bathroom so I talk (well, sing) to them when I'm nearby and hold them once a day (was told not to hold much at first). And, once I start giving them treats they will need grit, right? They are currently on medicated starter crumbles. Thanks!!
Our babies have the same birthday!! And mine are in my bathroom too! Lol! And I too sing my "chickie chickie chickie" song to them every time I go in! :)

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