How to manage two roosters?


Apr 1, 2021
Shawnee, Kansas
After my entire flock was killed in a attack from a pack of raccoons or a weasel (not sure.) I decided to try again with chickens and long story short ended up getting a sliver, and Golden deathlayer pair. I have had them for around 5 days and so far and the sellar said they were raised together. But I know eventually they will start to fight. My question is what should I do when they start fighting? Should I separate them? Get more hens? Or just wait?
I have around 20- 30 roosters, they do get into arguments but the worst injury I've had is a pecked comb. As long as there's enough room they should establish their own territories/hens and avoid each other.

I do have two roosters that were bought together and they prefer each other's company. They roost, eat, and dust bathe together and seem to share hens.

I also have a rooster that can't be housed with the others because he won't stop fighting. It just depends on the individual.

Another thing to consider is the hens being over mated. Some roosters can be kept with only a few hens and be fine but some will constantly want to breed. Just observe their behavior and adjust accordingly.
I have around 20- 30 roosters, they do get into arguments but the worst injury I've had is a pecked comb. As long as there's enough room they should establish their own territories/hens and avoid each other.

I do have two roosters that were bought together and they prefer each other's company. They roost, eat, and dust bathe together and seem to share hens.

I also have a rooster that can't be housed with the others because he won't stop fighting. It just depends on the individual.

Another thing to consider is the hens being over mated. Some roosters can be kept with only a few hens and be fine but some will constantly want to breed. Just observe their behavior and adjust accordingly.
Excellent post, it's worth repeating.

Will they fight each other? Maybe, maybe not. They will determine which one is boss. That may be a fight to the death, that may be so gentle you don't even notice. Usually it involves some skirmishing that looks pretty vicious but soon turns into chasing and running away. It can be dangerous so you need to pay attention and be ready to lock one of them up to isolate him from the other.

Will they overmate the pullets/hens? Maybe, maybe not. Again, pay attention, you may need to isolate one or both from the girls. Or they may be fine together. For both of these my suggestion is to go by what you see. Make your decisions on what you see, not what someone tells you might, could possibly, may maybe happen.

I am planning on getting more chicken next spring. Do you think that is to long?
If these two boys are going to fight over the girls, they will fight over 200 as fast as they will two. No matter how many girls you get some of them can be overmated. Or you may see no problems with just two girls. Don't think that adding more girls is going to solve these problems if you have these problems.

If you want more girls then absolutely get more girls. Springtime is a good time to do that. But be prepared to isolate the cockerels if you need to, now or after you get new girls. If you do add more chickens I strongly suggest you make sure they are all girls. You are not guaranteed problems with more boys but the chances of you having problems goes up the more boys you have. You may get lucky with two boys but don't tempt fate.
After my entire flock was killed in a attack from a pack of raccoons or a weasel (not sure.) I decided to try again with chickens and long story short ended up getting a sliver, and Golden deathlayer pair. I have had them for around 5 days and so far and the sellar said they were raised together. But I know eventually they will start to fight. My question is what should I do when they start fighting? Should I separate them? Get more hens? Or just wait? View attachment 2902443View attachment 2902444
We keep three roosters who never fight. They all have different personalities.

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