How to Market Your Eggs


12 Years
Jun 26, 2012
Buckley, Wa
Hi all! I have raised chickens for a while now, have a healthy flock, and Im getting 7 eggs a day plus more to come in the next few weeks. I am ready to sell eggs to people other than friends and family! I was thinking about posting an ad on CL but I dont think I want to deal with it. Im thinking about making a sign. We live across from a large housing development. I know their HOA will not allow chickens so fresh eggs might be a hit. I am wondering how I should make up a sign? I can make it simple Just "Eggs" and put down my number. Or more detailed. "Farm Fresh Eggs" Or "Pasture Raised Eggs" How do you market your eggs?:jumpy
Hi all! I have raised chickens for a while now, have a healthy flock, and Im getting 7 eggs a day plus more to come in the next few weeks. I am ready to sell eggs to people other than friends and family! I was thinking about posting an ad on CL but I dont think I want to deal with it. Im thinking about making a sign. We live across from a large housing development. I know their HOA will not allow chickens so fresh eggs might be a hit. I am wondering how I should make up a sign? I can make it simple Just "Eggs" and put down my number. Or more detailed. "Farm Fresh Eggs" Or "Pasture Raised Eggs" How do you market your eggs?:jumpy
I joined and posted my "Omega enhanced, organic, pasture raised, fresh eggs" there with lots of pictures of my flock out in their grassy landscaped pen.

The highest price I've seen for fresh eggs in my area is $3/dozen. I get $4 and can't keep up with demand. All my customers are in my neighborhood or adjacent ones and there are affluent areas near me. We meet at convenient locations. It's less than a mile drive for them and me. Works great.

You are in a great situation where you can advertise with a very cute sign. Good luck.
Hi all! I have raised chickens for a while now, have a healthy flock, and Im getting 7 eggs a day plus more to come in the next few weeks. I am ready to sell eggs to people other than friends and family! I was thinking about posting an ad on CL but I dont think I want to deal with it. Im thinking about making a sign. We live across from a large housing development. I know their HOA will not allow chickens so fresh eggs might be a hit. I am wondering how I should make up a sign? I can make it simple Just "Eggs" and put down my number. Or more detailed. "Farm Fresh Eggs" Or "Pasture Raised Eggs" How do you market your eggs?:jumpy

I am so happy for you, your girls, and your soon-to-be customer base! I am also on and will be listing my eggs there when my girls become more mature and lay predictably. I will also be making a sign to put out in front of my house so that neighbors or just people driving by can stop in if they want great, fresh eggs! I believe only 2 of my girls have started to lay...I have 10 girls so I know in time, I will have an overabundance of eggs and look forward to sharing the joy!

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