How to move a runner duck nest?


9 Years
Jul 29, 2010
I have a problem. My son has been gifted 5 runner ducks as part of some volunteering he did. One of the ducks is sitting on a nest. We do not know how many eggs are in the nest (one is believed to be a Shetland goose egg) OR how far along the eggs are in the incubation process. We need to move the ducks and nest on Friday (they want them GONE). Do you have ANY tips on how to move the nest? My home is about a 10 minuet drive from the pick up location. I have so many concerns.
1. We will be driving a diesel truck. How can I minimize vibration?
2. Best way to move nest? Box, towels, shaving, heating pad, spray bottle?
3. I will not give the eggs back to the mother, but put them under a broody hen. Is this the best choose?

Thank you for any help. My son is 12 and I don't want to fail.
I have a problem. My son has been gifted 5 runner ducks as part of some volunteering he did. One of the ducks is sitting on a nest. We do not know how many eggs are in the nest (one is believed to be a Shetland goose egg) OR how far along the eggs are in the incubation process. We need to move the ducks and nest on Friday (they want them GONE). Do you have ANY tips on how to move the nest? My home is about a 10 minuet drive from the pick up location. I have so many concerns.
1. We will be driving a diesel truck. How can I minimize vibration?
2. Best way to move nest? Box, towels, shaving, heating pad, spray bottle?
3. I will not give the eggs back to the mother, but put them under a broody hen. Is this the best choose?

Thank you for any help. My son is 12 and I don't want to fail.
If you have a large plastic dog crate pick up duck put her some place safe for a few minutes. Then take a shovel pick up nest and eggs or pick up nest and eggs separate, judge after getting mom off the nest. Put the nest in the dog crate then eggs then mama duck if you want to keep her on the nest since she has been incubating them, once you get her and the rest home keep her in the crate and place her some where where she'll have privacy even in the house you plan to keep them all in. put food and water inside with her. keep her inside the crate for 24 hrs. when you open the door if she comes out but doesn't go back to the nest they are usually only off the nest 30-45 min tops. then remove the eggs and put under your broody hen but I'd at least give her a chance to finish what she started.

You can place the crate on top of a blanket or wrap in blanket to minimize vibration . and bungee it to keep it from moving.
Welcome to BYC.

Thank you for your wonderful advice! This was so helpful! When we arrived, we had not one, but two clutches to move! One duck was sitting on 9 duck eggs, and one shetland goose egg, clutch #1. The other broody duck was sitting on 10 duck eggs, clutch #2. We were able to move both clutches with the mamas in the carrier. Once we got home, I placed the eggs from clutch#1 under a broody hen, and I left the other eggs under the 2 mama ducks. Well, the stress of the move was too much for them, and they eventually gave up being broody. But I view moving the eggs a success! I have 8 eggs from clutch #1 doing just fine one week after the move (the goose egg doesn't look good), and we have 6 eggs from clutch #2 under different broody hens (the eggs had gone cold, as the ducks gave up, so 6/10 is pretty good).

Thank you for your wonderful advice! This was so helpful! When we arrived, we had not one, but two clutches to move! One duck was sitting on 9 duck eggs, and one shetland goose egg, clutch #1. The other broody duck was sitting on 10 duck eggs, clutch #2. We were able to move both clutches with the mamas in the carrier. Once we got home, I placed the eggs from clutch#1 under a broody hen, and I left the other eggs under the 2 mama ducks. Well, the stress of the move was too much for them, and they eventually gave up being broody. But I view moving the eggs a success! I have 8 eggs from clutch #1 doing just fine one week after the move (the goose egg doesn't look good), and we have 6 eggs from clutch #2 under different broody hens (the eggs had gone cold, as the ducks gave up, so 6/10 is pretty good).
Sounds like it was a success even if you lost a few at least you had stand by hens when mamas gave up.I hope you have a great hatch from the ones you have left. Those ducks are gorgeous.

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