How to move chicks with older hen

Absolutely do NOT do this - you may end up with injured or dead chicks. She is not their mother.

To OP: Did you not have an integration plan going into this? This is how I handle early integration: You'll also find links to other articles for other's set ups for doing early integration for additional ideas.
what I plan on doing is keeping them in the dog crate at night and let them run around the whole day in their fenced in area where the hen lives. on the first day the hen pecked at them but know she likes to sit down wherever they are and eat their chick starter instead of her layer pellets but the hen was supposed to be a laying hen (according to TSC) but she turned out to be a meat chicken(I free feed her for a week and she gained 3lbs) once the chicks turn 6 weeks old I'll put them in the coop with her at night.

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