How to paint achickens in 10 easy steps!!!!!!!

I think she may have forgotton. The last post on this thread was 7-9-11, but she has been on the breeds, genetics & showing thread recently. It may be she is involved with shows and things of that nature. Maybe she will be back here when summer winds down.
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Ok everyone, I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry that it has taken me this long to get this thing done, I have had shows, meetings, family issues, but I am now working on the painting.

And just so we can get the ball rolling on this thing
i will go over the first few steps with you.

Step #1- Preparation
Choose your subject any chicken will do, the techniques I will teach will work for all.
My subject will be my Phoenix roo I will be showing next spring, Oliver


Now that i have chosen my subject, I will now choose my Composition and my canvas.

The canvas I have chosen complements the look and profile of the Phoenix. If your doing something like a cochin you would want a more square canvas to complement the shape of the Cochin.

This is the first part of my composition. I thinking at the moment that this painting is going to have a folky-van goughish feel to it. i have positioned the bird in such a way as to leave room for a background of some sort. You will see this original composition evolve as I have changed and added to it since this photo, but you need to see the procceses that I am working with.
Here is the finished product of the first step.


notice how I have excentuated (spelled that wrong) the long feathers of phoenix, you will see as the painting progresses I will continue to do the same thing. You should do this for whatever breed you choose to paint.

if there are any questions at all please feel free to ask, i will answer as soon as I possibly can.

Hope you enjoy, I will post more lessons when I have time. Be looking for them around Thursday or Saturday.
yep....waay over my head. I am going to try, but am pretty sure NO one but me will ever see it. What are you using to draw that with?? a colored pencil or chalk?? sorry total noob at drawing/painting.

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