How to RAISE a good rooster.

I’ve seen a lot of people handle roosters and this is almost always the problem imo. They are totally unsure of themselves. I get it though they’re fast and some of them hurt.
Absolutely. This is another reason why I think people new to livestock shouldn't have roosters for a while.

I know another lady with a farm that has a lot of guests in and out all day long. There are several free ranged roosters. It's almost comical to me to see how poorly some of those guests react to the roosters. It's practically like they're holding a neon sign saying "Look at me, you should fight me." It's not that these roosters are intrinsically bad, either. I have to bait them in order to get any aggressive displays out of them, and even then it doesn't always work because it's hard to fake being scared of a 6" tall bantam. :lau
And I'm talking about how to raise and handle non aggressive roosters. Mine never attack me in any manner no matter what. I'm sharing how I do it. You are free to deal with yours in whatever manner suits you. :)
There’s a lot of advice given out here that doesn’t work. Not in this thread but many others and articles. I have over 50 roosters right now and handle at least 5-6 usually every day. So I’m not talking about raising a few a year for the last 20 yrs.
There’s a lot of advice given out here that doesn’t work. Not in this thread but many others and articles. I have over 50 roosters right now and handle at least 5-6 usually every day. So I’m not talking about raising a few a year for the last 20 yrs.
Some of those 'backyard bloggers' writing things about roosters don't sound like they've ever even seen a chicken. It's painful to read.
My main concern is raising a rooster who isn't aggressive toward humans. All I wanted to know is if I can do this while they're still young. It looks like the general opinion is that the less you handle you rooster while he's young, the better. (I spend a lot of time with my chickens, so much so that my dad has taken to saying "Playing/talking with your chickens again?" every time I come back from the coop.) Note: he has three pullets his age and is being integrated with 4 fully adult hens right now, so maybe that will change some of the dynamics? Teach him who's boss?

If a friendly rooster means one that is not afraid of me, one that I can pick up without him running and is not aggressive, then I would prefer that to a rooster who is cowering in fear and respect.
I’ve had over 100 roosters throughout seasons. If a rooster actively attacks at first sight then that is an aggressive rooster. If they move away from you they are not aggressive. Common sense ya know.
You just said they will bite you after you pick them up? Is that aggressive or not?
I don't have dinner but I do find places for the guys who take a trip to puberty land and don't come back. I'm not mad at them, but cockrel, pig, or anything else there is such a thing as being too much male to happily keep around.
Luckily some people actually want a "real" rooster. I'm happy to supply them no problem at all.:)
That’s why you cull and have dinner if the rooster is out of hand and hard to control. Roosters are more stubborn than pigs in my opinion.

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