How to separate feed for ducklings and layers


Apr 6, 2024
We have a flock of 6 adult female ducks, and now have 6 more ducklings that are about a month old. Socially we’ve gotten it all figured out, introducing them slowly and dividing their house so the littles sleep separately (under a heat lamp) at night. I think they’re about ready to fully integrate into the adult flock, but I’m stumped as to how to keep the littles from eating the adult’s layer feed. Any suggestions? I can’t imagine keeping them separate and penned up all the way until July! Our adults free range our farm all day.
You can start ducklings off on an All flock crumble then switch to pellets after age 6-8 weeks if you want to. I had always started all my ducklings on Purina Flock Raiser Crumble until I switched to NON GMO but if you decide to go to all flock they can be on it their whole lives. Just set out the oyster shell in a separate container for your egg layers. :welcome
i evict ducklings that become fully feathered from the brooder to live with the adults. (unless the weather is to cold like 30 and below) they eat what my adults eat all flock and chicken layer mix. never had an issue. and always have good layers resulting from this.

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