how to stop digging predators?


7 Years
Mar 9, 2012
what is the best way to build a run so that predators will not dig and go under it? I want to build my run this week come up. I am almost done with my coop.
One way is to go out about 18'' on the outside of the fence and bury some wire some some 5 or 6 '' deep. I also put a hot wire around the bottom and also around the top.
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so I should get hardware cloth that is 48 inches burying that about 12 to 18 inches and then that will leave 30 to 36 inches that I can come up the sides with. Sounds good thank you two
Instead of hardware cloth I use 2" x 4" woven wire laid out flat on the ground and connected (wired) to the base of the coop and run fencing. I covered that wire with a little dirt, and when doggies or other diggers try tunneling they quickly run into a barrier that cannot deal with. I also have hot wire offsets at the base and at the top and some others in between with a nice hot charger, 6 joule output, to leave a strong impression on any curious sniffers or would-be climbers. Also have some outdoor flashing red Christmas tree lights strung on the corners of the coop.

If you use this approach, I would either use a 3-4' height roll of the woven wire. There is nothing wrong with hardware cloth, but it is much more expensive.
Instead of hardware cloth I use 2" x 4" woven wire laid out flat on the ground and connected (wired) to the base of the coop and run fencing. I covered that wire with a little dirt, and when doggies or other diggers try tunneling they quickly run into a barrier that cannot deal with. I also have hot wire offsets at the base and at the top and some others in between with a nice hot charger, 6 joule output, to leave a strong impression on any curious sniffers or would-be climbers. Also have some outdoor flashing red Christmas tree lights strung on the corners of the coop.

If you use this approach, I would either use a 3-4' height roll of the woven wire. There is nothing wrong with hardware cloth, but it is much more expensive.

sounds good also I want to make my run about 6 feet tall so I can go into it if I had to. ok ok so I wait to go in and make some toys that they can play on lol
If you have weasels or snakes in your area, hardware cloth is the only thing that comes small enough to keep them out.
In my area we have snakes, dogs, a little bear not a lot, coyote, and a lot of cats (not mine)

Would I do the whole run in hardware cloth? A 12x12 not counting the top will be about $200 plus the 4x4's to put them up. I need a hardware cloth coupon lol
Your idea of the 48" hardware cloth and after that other fencing would do it, or you could even use 36" hardware cloth. Either way I would run a hotwire . I don't put a hotwire at ground level because I also free range, but a hotwire somewhere before the hardware cloth ends should stop any climbing. I don't have bear. Shop around for the hardware cloth. Wayfair was cheapest for me. & free shipping.
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In my area we have snakes, dogs, a little bear not a lot, coyote, and a lot of cats (not mine)

Would I do the whole run in hardware cloth? A 12x12 not counting the top will be about $200 plus the 4x4's to put them up. I need a hardware cloth coupon lol

for everything but the bear hardware cloth and a hot wire works...for the bear only thing i know that works is a 30-06 or something equally as powerful.

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