How to take away dead eggs?


Oct 17, 2020
I have a khaki Campbell who is broody and has been sitting on a clutch of 5 eggs for around 34 days. One hatched on day 27 with an unabsorbed yolk and died overnight. The last 4 eggs have been showing no signs of progress but even on day 34 she continues to sit. It’s rained hard a few of the past days so maybe that’s to blame for them not hatching? How do I remove her eggs from her? She’s very committed and honks loudly when you approach her. I’m afraid she’ll become depressed if I take her eggs away, but we are going on vacation in a couple days. She seems to be eating alright and not losing weight but I don’t want her eggs to rot. I’ll candle them one last time before I take them away, but what should I do? She hasn’t been off the nest long enough for me to take them.
I'm sorry your ducklings didn't make it. :( Just take the eggs away from under her and throw them out, she'll get over it in a few days. There is no need for her to be sitting on the nest that much longer than she was supposed to if they are not going to hatch.
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If you candle and the eggs are not viable just toss them, and then remove the nest and pulled down/feathers. She'll be upset, but she will get over that.
I removed the eggs, they were starting to smell so I’m glad we did when we did. She seemed confused and sat on the empty nest for a few seconds before getting up and continuing as usual. Our drake has been lonely while she sat on the nest, but he seems glad to have her back to himself now :)

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