how to tell if a hen went broody


5 Years
Apr 20, 2014
My girls (3 RSL) are faithful layers an egg a day,well the last few days I have been only getting 2 eggs,tonight 1 hen came up missing I found her under the coop and it appears like she is puffed up possibly laying on eggs,i am sure that at most only 1 egg will be good beings we have freezing temps at night,do you think she will freeze to death laying under the coop and if she is laying on eggs that have been exposed to night temps what are the possibilities of them hatching, if she is laying on eggs should I take them from her,and replace with the fresh eggs from today?
Since under the coop is probably not the safest place for hen and babies, you might consider moving the whole bunch, mama, eggs and all up to a safe nest (in the coop) at night. Mark the eggs and if she continues to sit, then you can replace them with good eggs in a day or so, if she doesn't stay interested then you have lost nothing and can toss the eggs.
Personally, I'd break her. You have quite a lot of on your plate already with your rooster problem and your new pullets. I wouldn't want to take on setting up an area for a broody as well.

Use the search bar at the top of the page and you'll find hundreds of threads on how to break a broody if you decide to go that route.
UPDATE: I was so worried that something was wrong I had my husband try and get her out... she was not setting on any eggs and she was okay just hiding from my mean 'ok boys,it is settled they are getting separated tomorrow, I cannot have my girls afraid to go to bed at night
She may still be broody. She doesn't have to be sitting on eggs to be broody, although I think usually they do sit on the nest so unless this is where she usually lays her egg she might indeed have just been hiding. Just keep an eye on her and see what she does tomorrow.

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