How to treat coryza (or something like it) in quail???

yep definetly cull...but do not forget what you carry on you or your clothing,shoes can go into your soil you need to burn the bodies...spray down all, upturn any ground that may be infected:(
develop a routine work your gamebird chicks first then the adult game birds then work your chickens if you need to go back to the gamebirds wash up before doing so if the feed store is the reason someone should get the county out and get them cleaned up it is not very hard for things like that to go full blown in a heartbeat! especially AI
I know it seems extreme to have so many recommend a "Scorched Earth" approach to this problem. In truth, it may or may not be necessary. Its a hard option to consider. But taking the chance of it spreading is not worth the risk, In my humble opinion. If you end up needing quail when its all said and done. Shoot me a PM and I'll hook you up with some nice clean, jumbo brown eggs to get you started again, on me. Good luck, Bill
def. worth a thousand words?

Since that is one photo, and not really isn't a thousand words...Coryza is one issue, and people don't realize that there are other diseases, bacterial infections, that are similar but treatable.

really just trying to help someone who cares for their birds, used the pic to ask if that is what it looked like...
Thanks again everyone for sharing your knowledge! I started her on baytril last night along with an anti-inflamitory/pain med and ointment for her eyes, and hydration (which will be much easier after I pick up a larger syringe and tube for tonight). I will giver her a few days and if things arn't getting better then I will cull. Totally understand the wisdom behind culling infectious birds- but at this stage that probably means all 6 of my chickens and 7 of my cotournix - all much loved family pets so not likely. Hopefully clean conditions and good food and care will overshadow the bug.
I am still curious about my diagnosis. Quail lady- I agree, it is easy to jump to incorrect diagnostic conclusions when you see the first set of symptoms that match the problem. There are so many things that could be affecting my flock it is a bit overwhelming. Would almost be worth playing the lottery for a chance at winning enough money to be able to afford a good avian vet! Here is the chain of events that I have pieced together though they may be totally unrelated.

Oct/Nov. 2010 - I bought 3 hens. All three seemed a bit drippy nosed- 1 immediately developed bad respiratory symptoms. I took her to the vet and he ran her on a course of antibiotics (dont remember which one now) then a second hen got sick (runny nose and SUPER stinky breath) and we ran her through a course of antibiotics as well. They were both recovered by end December.

January/Feb 2011- I got quail from the same feed store as the chickens

April-June 2011 - First one quail had an eye swollen shut. It opened back up and healed about the time a second developed a swollen head, just about the time she healed my third developed swollen shut eyes and a big mishapen swollen head, open mouth breathing and constant head shaking and that is what I am dealing with now.

So many possibilities. Selfishly I hope it is the same thing the chickens already had so it wont pass back to them.

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