How to Treat Scaly Leg Mites

I believe I have betadine so I’ll try that.
You need both Vaseline and Betadine mixed.
Rooster havoc is right about the leg maintenance.
Diesel and Kerosene are carcinogenic.
Scrubbing with a toothbrush can easily damage the scales.
In extreme cases you can dip the legs in surgical spirit.
I mean this in the nicest way and I am not trying to argue. :hugs
Cleaning leg scales with a toothbrush!:barnie
Just No.
Why not?
Smother in Vaseline and Betadine 75%-25% for three consecutive nights.
Leave for two weeks and repeat.
Do you have a reference that suggest doing this?
You need both Vaseline and Betadine mixed.
Rooster havoc is right about the leg maintenance.
Diesel and Kerosene are carcinogenic.
Scrubbing with a toothbrush can easily damage the scales.
In extreme cases you can dip the legs in surgical spirit.
I’m also right about the kerosene. Yeah it’s carcinogenic but it doesn’t bother me any.

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