How Well Do Your Hatchery Wyandottes Lay?


10 Years
Jul 19, 2009
I just acquired some hatchery stock and am curious as to how well they lay. Please give a progress report about Your Wyandottes Please!!! tyvm
My SLW are outstanding. They are a year old now, and I'm getting 5-6 eggs per week from each of them.

My GLW are excellent. Also a year old, and get 4-5 per week from them.

I'm really happy with them, and I will always have them in my flock.
Mine lay "decent." Both of my SLWs lay 3-4 a week, their eggs are smaller than my GSLs & BRs and are also a darker brown with a "sheen" to them
I got mine from Ideal...gorgeous girls though
good layers in ~26 weeks* Thanks for the input I greatly appreciate it!
points to smiley face... that is crossing fingers I hope lol
I have 4 Silver Laced Wyandottes and they didn't start laying at as early an age as the Buff Orpington and the Rhode Island Red, who began about 2 weeks of age earlier, but they are coming into bloom as layers now at age 6 months one week. One has been laying every day in the nest box and no broodiness, and it appears that the others are starting. Temperamentally I like them because they don't do the loud croaking which my top hen, a LIght Brahma, as well as my Rhode Island Red have gotten into, which I worry will annoy neighbors. The Wyandottes seem quieter overall.
I agree. We have SLW and GLW as well and they are excellent layers. Not quite a year. Next month they will be. But they just lay the most beautiful eggs(sometimes almost pink!) and good sized. one from each almost every day. One or two will take a break at a time but we are so pleased with them. Got them at McMurray.

And fiddleblue, they did start laying a bit later but it was worth it.
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