How will my chickens do in snow?

Winter is quickly coming. What are my Buff Orpington's and Golden Laced Wyandotte's going to do all winter? Will they like snow? If not what do I do? Are both those breeds good for 'winter climate'?

Sorry for so many questions...

Thanks in advance!
Many of my chickens stayed indoors.. all the suggestions given like shoveling a path.. putting out scratch or other things they enjoy will entice them to get out a bit. I found mine like being entertained with different treats they have to work at like hanging apples split melons and I sprout barley and sunflower seeds in my kitchen for the winter.
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Wow, you all are tough!

I shared what I've read in chicken blogs and books (ie...Gail Demarrow's Chicken Health Handbook), but as we all know, there is a lot of chicken info out there and differing opinions on what works and what doesn't. Everything I've read indicates the extra carbs/fiber from scratch grains can help boost their warmth overnight during the winter months. I definitely wasn't recommending you replace their normal feed with scratch grains.

Thank you all for your thoughtful comments! :D
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