How would you design this area for a coop and run?


Mar 24, 2020
New Jersey
I have one silkie in a standard flock and we’ll she gets picked on. How can I put another coop/run for her and a couple more silkies, maybe bantams too? I know they probally shouldn’t see eachother and the thing has to be lower then the fence (non painted one) but it’s okay for the roof to be slightly higher. To the right of the picture is the run for my main coop.


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I have one silkie in a standard flock and we’ll she gets picked on. How can I put another coop/run for her and a couple more silkies, maybe bantams too? I know they probally shouldn’t see eachother and the thing has to be lower then the fence (non painted one) but it’s okay for the roof to be slightly higher. To the right of the picture is the run for my main coop.

It's OK for them to be able to see each other through a wire wall.
For a few Silkies I'd look into a dog house type coop raised with a base under it. Enclose the area as a run tall enough for with a human gate. My opinion is that It's actually good for them to see each other through the wire. That way if you do a future integration, you're half way there.
They pick on her a lot and she hides in the penthouse now occasionally so she’s away from them. I have food and water up there for her when she needs it. I know if I add more silkies to the flock they’d just pick on all of them. So my idea was to make another coop/run for 4 silkies. I don’t think I’m allowed to have a second coop that’s why we’re trying to keep it fence height. I also have a rooster so now I have to try and make sure we get female silkies and what to do with the males
It'd be interesting to understand what the definition of a "coop" is. My coop has 2 rooms so is it 1 or 2 "coops?"
Sorry. My one coop Has two rooms. The one room is the nesting area and roost and the other room is the penthouse which is just extra room for cages if I need one of them in a cage. It was for extra roosts but they don’t use it. And then I want a second seperate coop area for the silkies.

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