How would you protect your animals from nuclear fallout?

Oh....I meant to say "AS" food....well that's a HUGE rabbit hole to go down and explain but let me try to debrief you quickly and go into more depth later since I'm late making lunch and now my hubby is now looking at me like this :drool ( or maybe I'm just looking particularly sexy right now....NAAAH!)

Anyway, most world leaders belong to an elitist's club the called the "World Economic Forum" (WEF) .... they are the ones who came up with and are pushing agenda's like the global warming/ cLIEmate change narrative being the fault of humans, and the "Green New Deal" to ban fossil fuels and everyone drive elec cars and such (just one reason gas is so high and there's a diesel shortage....but also, most of the diesel is going straight to our military right now because we are on high alert and war equipment is up and running and deployed RIGHT NOW of a few days ago we have US boots on the ground on the frontlines of Ukraine and we are now at DEFCON 2, DEFCON 1 means the was is now active, or has gone "HOT" and there is active fire against and from the homeland).
They (WEF) also did a live drill called Event 201 to "prepare and plan" for a "Coronavirus Outbreak" with Bill Gates (of hell) 3 MONTHS BEFORE THE !ST PERSON WAS DIAGNOSED WITH IT IN CHINA.....🤯....and now they want to get rid of all CO2 producing livestock (including our chickens....can you say "Bird Flue"????) and have us eat lab-grown synthetic meats and bugs in order to "SAVE THE PLANET".... and they are already beta testing it in some school lunches and I'm afraid it's already in some products on our store shelves so read your labels and do not buy any products that has "bio-mass" listed in ingredients, because that is the dehydrated, ground up crickets, plus, if it says "natural flavors" on the label , and so many products do, it's a flavor enhancer called HEK 293 embryonic cell line ( kidney cells from aborted fetuses) and that's why we only eat what we produce here, for the most part....I know this sounds crazy but it's true...I have inside sources but don't take my word for it.... .do your own research ...the info is out there in plain site (until too many people catch on and it gets scrubbed).

Anyway.... The WEF moto (they actually did a video/commercial about it) is....
They literally want to decrease the world population to a controllable number and enslave the rest for their own evil pleasure. I can share more later including that video but I really have to get-a-cookin right now! TTFN
Ok I said I'd get some videos for my beloved fellow bird brains......

This is the World Economic Forum's (WEF ...our overlords) propaganda video advertisement ....some may remember was a while ago and keep in mind that the year 2030 deadline it shows has now been moved up to 2025 (Looked briefly but haven't found that video yet...It may be listed under the U.N.'s Agenda 21 -2030 plan....they are basically part of the same entity)

Here is a propaganda clip showing the indoctrination of school children to except eating bugs as yummy, nutritious. and environmentally responsible.

Here is Klaus Schwab, the Founder of the WEF.... saying how they plan to have everyone microchipped by 2026 ....many speculate that this is the Mark of the Beast, I say the mark, or at least the pre-curser/beta test may have already arrived and many already have it without even knowing it ....that's all I will say about that on here or the "Men in Black" may show up at my door to "suicide" me lol....if you want to know more about that you can contact me through my secure email server at [email protected]

Here is that video
Hm, like, you had the basic tools and still didn't enjoy it? Because there is making do without bells and whistles and there is making do without the most basic tools.

You are describing gardening without a hose or building a shed without a hammer. It can be done but...

I did one canner- full without jar tongs when I couldn't find mine after a move. Scary. Even without dropping anything. As well as making it so difficult.

Edit to add. Not that everyone will like canning even if they have an ideal setup and all the tools. 🙂
I find it scary to do! An accident waiting to happen, so we don’t use a pressure cooker or a canner. We just put very hot items into clean jars to seal on their own. We maybe lose 1 jar out of pf 3 dozen to rogue bacteria from a jar.
Ah bitchute. Yeah, out. Peace, and good luck.
red bull dubai GIF
honestly I get this! my ducks arent a food source, to me, theyre just as much family as my dogs are. Perhaps even more so. First thing I think when a storm comes, is to go outside and put them somewhere safe. Actually I dont think, I just do, instantly. And I'd do that no matter what happens, even if others thought it ridiculous. In a disaster like this, I'd put the ducks in the house, in the spare room, with a ton of food and water. That would be my actions if a disaster happened here, its the best I could do. Though we rarely get anything terrible (weather wise).
I just brought 2 of my ducks (they are a loving couple) in tonight and put them in our larger hospital box....I noticed the female was walking slow, on her toes and was fluffed up and head hunched down, and her eyes were only half the first thing I did was grab her and check for bumblefoot and all looked good but I brought her in....then I went to get her boyfriend to keep her company and found him in the yard munching on a chunk of styrofoam insulation maybe she was eating it too(?)....anyway as I was carrying the drake in and I look at his feet and turns out he has bumblefoot on both heals....sigh....we have prickly tumbleweeds everywhere here so we deal with it a lot.
Anyway I popped them into an epsom salt bath to soak for a while and now they'll stay inside until both are doing better. Does anyone know where I can get affordable neoprene poultry shoes to prevent this?....I have a ton of birds but I can't spend a mint on bird booties for them all lol.... I probably just end up making some. :confused:

These two were my first ducklings and I love them so much so any advise would be appreciated!....but perhaps that's best left for another thread
I find it scary to do! An accident waiting to happen, so we don’t use a pressure cooker or a canner. We just put very hot items into clean jars to seal on their own. We maybe lose 1 jar out of pf 3 dozen to rogue bacteria from a jar.
Hey....That's how my neighbor always does it and I was skeptical but seen her pop a sealed jar open and heard the was beets and it tasted fine but my hubby said "no thanks 🤮" to trying it....then she said in her feisty Polish accent "Jou are eh fooowell....dis is how vee alvays do in our countly!" so maybe I'll try that (vhen he's not lewking) 😄

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