How you identify the pecker? (definitely is cannibalism)


In the Brooder
Apr 4, 2020
Seligman, AZ
We have around 20+ chicken 2 easter egger, 4 little brahma, 7 buff orpington and 8 Rhode island red... We have 3 meat chicken that we wanted to keep because started laying big eggs unfortunately they got killed by one of our chickens... I would like to know how I can id the aggresor(killer psycho chicken 😂)
I read about changing the behavior but I need to find out who is the perpetrator. If anybody have any tricks I'll appreciate it.
We feed them a high protein diet chickpeas and other grains in addition to oyster
our barn and chicken run is on the pictures is a pretty good size for all of them.
How do you know another chicken killed the meat birds? Meat birds often die from heart attacks or similar causes. (Others pecking a dead bird is possible)
Usually just watching a bit will show who is a bully. Who goes to the food first? Do they let others eat? Do they pursue a bird who is trying to back away? Looking at your breed list I would watch the RIRs the closest.
How do you know another chicken killed the meat birds? Meat birds often die from heart attacks or similar causes. (Others pecking a dead bird is possible)
Usually just watching a bit will show who is a bully. Who goes to the food first? Do they let others eat? Do they pursue a bird who is trying to back away? Looking at your breed list I would watch the RIRs the closest
I know they were pecked by the chickens because when we noticed the butt area was bleeding a lot we removed the chicken and treated her but she died like an hour after.
the same happens with the other two but when we realized about the injury they were already eating the chicken
I will be surprised if this continues, if all of the meat birds are gone. I don't find meat birds and layer birds do well together.

If you continue to have a problem, include pictures of your coop and run. Or if you find blood on the face of one of the birds, you can remove her, or try pin-less peepers.

Mrs K
I will be surprised if this continues, if all of the meat birds are gone. I don't find meat birds and layer birds do well together.

If you continue to have a problem, include pictures of your coop and run. Or if you find blood on the face of one of the birds, you can remove her, or try pin-less peepers.

Mrs K
I have pictures of the run and coop in the post... Whats worries me is that we have now to separate a little brahma because they started pecking on her feet
sorry pics didnt show up


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