How young is too young to play "Pullet or Cockerel?"


5 Years
Jun 4, 2014
Victoria, Australia.
This is Peepers, a BO x RIR chick who is exactly 3 weeks old today.

Is he/she too young to take a guess at his/her gender?

I have felt right from the start that he is a HE rather than a SHE, and am worried about his comb already, lol.

The good news is either way, he/she will have a good life - if it's a girl, I am keeping her, and if it's a boy he will go to my brother's farm where he needs a new cockerel.

Any opinions, or is it waaaaaaayyyyyy to early?

Sorry the pic is not too good, but at least I got his comb in it. He's just so fast-moving!

I would never say "When is it too early".It's natural with chicks.The rooster is bulky and tries acting tough,but you will see combing first.That chick looks about 2 weeks.Its too early when its a day old or so,but after a good long whole week,
it gets easier.The answer will be reviled in a month or so,that's when they begin/practice crowing.But for now I would stick with a pullet.That's my opinion.
I do hope so. I have a couple more pics to share as well.....


Please excuse his/her super-full crop, lol. Peeper's doesn't know when to say 'no' when it comes to food! The other day he/she actually went to 'roost' on a plank of wood and rolled off, due to their weight of his/her crop off-balancing him/her!

I have never owned chickens before and Peepers was my only hatched chick. I am so desperate to keep him/her but can only do so if it turns out to be a girl. And yes, he/she is 3 weeks and 1 day old.

I do hope so. I have a couple more pics to share as well.....


Please excuse his/her super-full crop, lol. Peeper's doesn't know when to say 'no' when it comes to food! The other day he/she actually went to 'roost' on a plank of wood and rolled off, due to their weight of his/her crop off-balancing him/her!

I have never owned chickens before and Peepers was my only hatched chick. I am so desperate to keep him/her but can only do so if it turns out to be a girl. And yes, he/she is 3 weeks and 1 day old.

Well the combs very yellow,i'd have to say a cock.It seems unreal to be a pullet,but you never know.I wanted to add about feeding.Don't get her fat.She's way too young to be fed that much.Hens may be come overweight and limp.It also can cause health issues.She needs about 1 small scoop a day,but try feeding her dinner as well,or let her free range.Free ranging makes it easier on you.Maybe an hour out then put her up.Also, cocks get very yellow legs as well.I've experienced it.I asked questions and things.My cock looks EXACTLY like yours when he was about that age, accept he was a dotted/Barnyard mixed rooster.Now,I dont think that being fat will futeraly cause problems,but you don't want fat chickens.Your best luck is putting him with a flock with an already there rooster.Hens will try attacking cocks.Mines won't allow other roosters,and will normally just peck on the pullets.The rooster won't take action until the cock grows older and tries mating.If I were you i'd buy a few more chicks from a feed might lose him/her in a swipe.Foxes,Hawks etc will get Em!And the fact you may have to give him away.
I'd say roo... Just a guess, but the thick legs + prominent comb makes me think rooster.

She is not a meat bird, she doesn't not need her food intake regulated. Perhaps if she was older, but she's still growing and isn't a meat bird, no need to regulate her food intake... I do agree that free ranging is good and should be done, but purely for the mental benefits. She won't grow fat at 3 weeks old unless you're feeding a Terrible diet.
Darn! I don't want to hear the bit about the 'roo'!

The chick has free access to proper chick starter feed.

Other than that, it get a few leafy greens each day which it will have a little peck at, and occasionally a little scratch as a treat. I don't know - all my birds have full crops in the late afternoons - I just thought it was an indication of a good day's foraging, and happy birds! None of them look 'fat.' If anything, since they started laying they have all lost a little weight.

The chick doesn't free range yet because I have a cat with a killer instinct. He simply would not survive if I let him out. There is no choice but to keep him penned until he is at least fully feathered out.

If that chick is 3 weeks old I would lean towards cockerel based on the slow feathering. You are not overfeeding either. Growing chicks (with the exception of Cornish X) should have access to food at all times.
Thanks @keesmom, I thought free access was the way to go with food.

Yes, the slow feathering had me worried too. It's funny, I have looked at other posts of chicks the same age and have wondered where Peeper's feathers were, lol.

I remember when he was born, as soon as I saw him stand up I thought "Boy." He had a very upright stance from the beginning, and when I compare pics of him at one day old, to some of my new chicks born 2 days ago, a lot of them are short and stocky, and he looked like a velociraptor, right from Day 1!

I will be sad to see Peepers leave. He is my first chick.
I really hope of my 6 new chicks, some will be girls. I am in desperate need of increasing my numbers here.

Thanks again everyone for your opinions. You have all confirmed my suspicions.

I wouldn't be too quick to get rid of "him". I'm going to disagree with the others and say that you might have a pullet. The comb, though perhaps a little large, isn't red yet. I'm leaning towards pullet.

Of course, I could be wrong. But, this is my guess.

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