Howdy Chickadees?


6 Years
Jul 5, 2013
Bout time to raise some chicks.I will start with two or three then go from there. Whats up with the wheels.Why do you have to move them around?
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Welcome to BYC! If you mean why are there wheels on the chicken run/ tractor, the chickens will eat everything green in sight, dig holes to dust bathe, etc. With this option you can move the coop around the backyard instead of having a permanent location.
You have to move them or they'll quickly decimate all the vegetation they can reach, not just from eating it but scratching the ground looking for seeds and bugs. That's their favorite pastime.

Never start with 2. Go for the most you can house or allowed.
Chickens die and it's very difficult to add to an existing flock.
You'll eat way more eggs than you currently do when you have delicious fresh eggs from your own backyard.
Welcome to BYC!
Hi and welcome to BYC from northern Michigan

Without several separate pens it can be hard to keep chicks of different ages/sizes, as the larger/older ones will often pick on the littles. Sometimes it is easier to get a group the size you intend to keep and raise them all together.

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